This is just another reminder that although we all fall short, God still loves us and we have to keep going forward regardless. Yes, we've all made bad decisions that some of us call mistakes, yet we can't let them stop us from moving to where it is God wants to take us. Jeremiah 29:11 says, He has great and awesome plans for us, because He wants us to have hope and a prosperous future. And He knows that although we may not have gotten it all right, we are all His children nevertheless and He wants the best for us.
So we can't beat ourselves up. I did that for many many years, because of all the bad decisions and mistakes I made. And let me tell you, I'm not looking back. We can't look back because of the mistakes, the mishaps that happened, that may be even happening now, or will happen. All we can do is stayed prayed up and try our best to live the life God wants us to live. It's not about trying to be perfect. It's about talking to the Lord, reading His Word, and trying our best to do things to the best of our ability. We have to realize that we are not God, right? Yes we were made in His image, thank God for that, but we are fleshly humans who are going to drop the ball at any given time. It's inevitable. It's going to happen. Yet we can't let it stop us from going to the next level though. So when we mess up, all we have to do is regroup, recalculate, learn from our setbacks, and continue the climb. We have to keep going.
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