Job 19:25 says, "for I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth." Is Jesus is your Redeemer?
Isn't it considerate of Jesus to make us a priority? Isn't it a blessing to know He wants the best for our lives? Isn't it a blessing to be able to be encouraged by the people He places in our lives to make us better?
Have you ever just sat and thought about it? How much He loves us and the things He shielded and protected us from? His spirit is powerful -- beyond any form. He's omnipotent and He's power, unlimited. He is strength, vitality, a loving jolt of power, and a gentle nudge of intensity. He is the reason for all things great. And whether we know it or not, His spirit is alive. My prayer is that you will experience Him for yourself if you haven't already. Romans 10 is helpful.
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