Did you know God will not hold back all He has for us? We may not get everything we want, but let me assure you, we will most definitely get everything we need. If we will just trust Him to do what He said He would do in our lives, we will have all of our needs met and many of our wants. Yet we read God's word and we pray without ceasing, but we're not walking out what we say we believe. Why? Either we trust God or we don't. We have to push through even when things don't seem to be working in our favor. We cannot give up. When you watch super athletes, notice how they don't stop even when they're down. They continue on despite being beaten up on, despite that they may be in last place. And whether they come back to win or not, they stayed in to the end. That is the blessing. They never abandoned what they believed in, so they can still be called winners and they will get the blessings that come with hanging in there.
It's the same with us regarding God's kingdom. We can't walk away when the going gets tough. If God says there's more and if He says we can walk on water, then we can do it if our faith is strong enough (see
Matthew 14:22-33). If we want blessings after blessings we're going to have to trust God no matter how bad (or good) we think things are. God is a faithful God and He will come through. I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
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