Do you know you can get strength from the Lord? Yes, He will equip you. Do you need Him today for strength? Is there anything in particular you need to get through right now?
If there is a mountain ahead of you, guess what? The Lord will give you the strength to move it right out of your way. Do you believe it? Do you have faith that He will do it? In Matthew 21:21, "if you embrace this kingdom life and don’t doubt God, you’ll not only do minor feats like I did to the fig tree, but also triumph over huge obstacles. This mountain, for instance, you’ll tell, ‘Go jump in the lake,’ and it will jump. Absolutely everything, ranging from small to large, as you make it a part of your believing prayer, gets included as you lay hold of God.”
Clearly, God will give you the strength that moves mountains. Pray for strength if that is what you are in need of today and God will come through for you if you believe He will. He is a rewarder of those who diligently and earnestly seek Him. Don't stop seeking Him.

If there is a mountain ahead of you, guess what? The Lord will give you the strength to move it right out of your way. Do you believe it? Do you have faith that He will do it? In Matthew 21:21, "if you embrace this kingdom life and don’t doubt God, you’ll not only do minor feats like I did to the fig tree, but also triumph over huge obstacles. This mountain, for instance, you’ll tell, ‘Go jump in the lake,’ and it will jump. Absolutely everything, ranging from small to large, as you make it a part of your believing prayer, gets included as you lay hold of God.”
Clearly, God will give you the strength that moves mountains. Pray for strength if that is what you are in need of today and God will come through for you if you believe He will. He is a rewarder of those who diligently and earnestly seek Him. Don't stop seeking Him.
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