Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post below.
Yes, God wants the best for all of us. His answer may not be yes, but it may not be no either. It simply may be, later. It may be that He wants us to trust Him even more as ruler and guider over our lives and is positioning us nicely for the great things He has for us -- the best. God doesn't want us to just accept the mediocre. He doesn't just want us to accept the crumbs. That's what asking sometimes involves...waiting, but we have to at least ask, then wait on Him. He will answer. Ruth got Boaz because she sacrificed and waited (Ruth 2). Esther got the king because she sacrificed and waited (Esther 2). Rahab and her family were spared because she sacrificed and waited (Joshua 3). So, it's quite simple really. Ask and if you're willing to sacrifice and wait for God's best, then great things will eventually come.
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