Remember Jesus is still Lord. And remember, Jesus turned water into wine (1 John 2:1-10), so nothing is impossible for anything you want Him to do in your life. Do you need a miracle? Do you need Him to turn anything around? What do you need Him for? It doesn't matter what you're confronted with, all it takes is trust in Him with full hearts, that He will perform miraculously in your life. When we do that, we can get through anything that comes our way, because our strength comes from the Lord. Remember that and be reminded that God will never put more on us than we can bear. Nothing is too big for Him.
I know from experience that you will get through everything that has been a struggle, a challenge, an obstacle, or anything you may be going through. God is the one and only God of any and everything. Don't think He won't bring you through, because if He can bring me through, He can bring you through. You just have to believe Him, listen to Him, read and trust His word (it's paramount that his word is in you, because it gives you something to stand on and recite continuously over your life), pray without ceasing, and be around the people who will build you up. All of that is called faith and God will respond faster than you think and in ways you never even imagined. That is how we get through any and everything that comes our way.
Hear what Sha Sha has to say about Jesus coming through for you. Sha Sha is my avatar, so her face is based on my face and the voice you hear is actually me speaking through her.
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