Jesus paid it all when He died on the cross. He carried the cross for our sins. He paid for every bad decision, every burden, and every conceivable pain we would endure. Yes, He loves us that much — more than any other is capable of. Jesus is it. He bore it all. Isn’t that amazing when you take a minute to think about it?
‘Jesus paid it all, up on the cross. He bled and died, because we were lost. So here we are, surrendering all. Lord hear our cries, on our knees we fall.’ Those are paraphrased lyrics of Wess Morgan’s song, You Paid it All. Prayfully they resonate. For God is great and He wants salvation for everyone. He wants everyone to know He took their heartaches, trauma, and pain. He always will. “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed” (1 Peter 2:24). Jesus paid it all.

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