Did you know, “the Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives?” (Psalm 37:23).
That's right. Put on those running shoes and tell the world, tell the devil, tell anybody, tell everybody, that you cannot and will not be stopped in doing everything the Lord has for you to do. Keep going, because every step counts when it is ordered by the Lord. It doesn’t matter how small. When you’re walking forward, you’re moving ahead with the goals and dreams God has for you. And if you get off track, it’s ok. All you have to do is change course, regroup, and start again. Isn’t God awesome?
That's right. Put on those running shoes and tell the world, tell the devil, tell anybody, tell everybody, that you cannot and will not be stopped in doing everything the Lord has for you to do. Keep going, because every step counts when it is ordered by the Lord. It doesn’t matter how small. When you’re walking forward, you’re moving ahead with the goals and dreams God has for you. And if you get off track, it’s ok. All you have to do is change course, regroup, and start again. Isn’t God awesome?
He never fails and whatever He told you, will come to pass. How do you know what He told you? What lives in your heart? What keeps burning in you to do? What is it that you want to do that will lead others to Jesus? What do you think about often? Those are some of the things that God has placed in you to do and as long as you don't grow weary and give up as Galatians 6:9 speaks about, you will see the great things God has for you. It’s about having a strong relationship with Him. A relationship means continuing to speak with Him and Him speaking back. Only you and He knows how that exchange operates. It's different for each of us. So keep walking, because every step counts and God knows where He is sending you.

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