Are you in it for the long haul? For the duration? No matter how long it takes?
If so, that's great news, because there are many who give up. They stop, because the grind gets so tedious and monotonous. If anyone knows how that feels, it's me. Yet we can't base our hustle and flow by how we feel. If that was the case I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. But the Lord has much work for me. He wants me to set the captives [brokenhearted] free (Isaiah 61). He was us to do that. Who are your captives? Who have you been called to serve? Who have you been called to help? Who have you been called to sacrifice for? You should know by now. In the case that you don't, think over your life for a moment. What has caused you the most trouble, pain, hurt, heartache that you know in your "knower" that you want no other soul to come anywhere close to what you went through? Well, there you go, that's your tribe, those are your peeps. You must run to them, because they really need you, they need to hear from you. They will listen to you more than me, because my posse' is different than yours. Even if they look similar, they're different, because I'm different and you're different.
Continue on even though the haul is heavy and the road is sometimes long and lonely. You will make it to your destination. The Lord will see to that. Continue to be steadfast and on it, because "the plans of the diligent lead to profit [gain] as surely as haste [rushing] leads to poverty (Proverbs 21:5). So take your time and stay focused, because you must ensure your load gets to where it's going, safely.
It's just a matter of time and you're closer than you think.
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