Don't give up now when you're so close.

Don't do it. How do I know you're thinking about letting go what God has for you? Because this thing called life is not a game and it's not for punks. Parts are fun, exciting, and easy and other parts are boring, tedious, and difficult. That's just the fact of the matter. Yet, we have to roll during the good and the bad, the sweet and the bitter. That's life and only the fittest survive to the fullest. We have to want more than living a mediocre ho-hum life, because that's the type of life we will get if we're not careful. We should desire a great optimal life and that's what we'll get. It's largely up to us how we live and how much we are blessed with. If we aim high we will go high as long as we're willing to climb.
God has a plan for each one of us and we can work that plan when we check in with Him often. That's the wise thing to do, because He's directing our lives when we let Him (free-will). When we decide to let Him orchestrate His wonderful and awesome will over our lives then greatness will come to us. We have to want it, expect it, work for it, then "wait" for it. The wait is the hardest part, but it will come if we won't give up and stop the process of getting what God has for us. There's more to life than just sitting around wishing and hoping. We have to continue to make it happen. "This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be
fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will
surely take place. It will not be delayed" (Habakkuk 2:3).
It will come.
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