In the book, When Misfits Become Kings, the author, Mark Casto, writes about the people God used who were different, sometimes isolated, and in many cases cast aside, to do great work for the Lord God.
"At some point each of us has felt disconnected, unqualified, and alone, as if we are nothing but a square peg in a round world" Casto (p. xxv). If you have been used by God or will be, then join the crowd. Being alone sometimes (not necessarily lonely) goes with the territory. Queen Esther is my favorite female leader in the bible, because she accepted all that God had for her. She was ok with being alone as she prepared for what she wanted (the king) and she sacrificed to become the queen. Of course her mission is much bigger than that as the story progresses. Yet she didn't let anyone or anything get in her way. "What we do in private, in secret, has the power to refine us. And that inward transformation has turned many misfits into the king or queen of their domain" (Casto p. xxv). Esther made the commitment and it paid off for her. It wasn't easy, yet she stayed the course.
So, if you're feeling like you don't quite fit in, that's ok. God is getting you ready for some big things and where you're going you're going to need the strength and power you received in your extended time with the Lord.
Congratulations. Get ready.
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