That's what Jesus told the woman from Samaria, who went to the well to draw water. That was her first encounter with Jesus and of course her life was changed forever. She went to the well to draw natural water from the earth and she left with heavenly/eternal water -- an endless life with Jesus. Eternal means never ending. Before her encounter with Him she had led a wretched life. She was an outcast and a reject by many in society because of her bad decisions and mistakes. People may have rejected her, but she wasn't rejected by Jesus. He never overlooked her. In fact, just the opposite, He loved and embraced her. Even His disciples didn't approve of her, but guess what? Don't you know Jesus accepts all of us just as we are and we can go to Him anytime, any day? That's right, His door is open 24/7 and He will change anyone's life. He's the only one who has the supernatural power to make us stronger and better than yesterday and even better tomorrow, simply because we believe in Him. The Samaritan Woman trusted Him and was changed to the point where she went on to tell others about Him. Thus, she became instrumental in drawing men (literally, men) and women to Jesus by her life. I have so much respect for that. If Jesus did that for her, He can do that with anyone. He loves us and His living water goes on forever.
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