Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
It's about staying focused on God. It's easy for us to get distracted by so many things, but we must use as much discipline as possible in order to meditate (reflect, ponder, think) on the things of the Lord. For those of you on the right road, stay on it and don't veer off from the positive road you're on. That's exactly what the enemy wants us to do, but don't get sidetracked, stay focused. It doesn't matter what comes against you, God has your back. Focus is the key though. Focus is the key to transforming our minds and continuously renewing it by reading God's word and keeping an on-going relationship with Him. You know what that means? It just means seeking His face (Matthew 6:33) and talking to Him about absolutely anything you need to. His door is always open.
It's about staying focused on God. It's easy for us to get distracted by so many things, but we must use as much discipline as possible in order to meditate (reflect, ponder, think) on the things of the Lord. For those of you on the right road, stay on it and don't veer off from the positive road you're on. That's exactly what the enemy wants us to do, but don't get sidetracked, stay focused. It doesn't matter what comes against you, God has your back. Focus is the key though. Focus is the key to transforming our minds and continuously renewing it by reading God's word and keeping an on-going relationship with Him. You know what that means? It just means seeking His face (Matthew 6:33) and talking to Him about absolutely anything you need to. His door is always open.
The point is, to stay on our A-game ok, which means being in a state of transformation and renewing for the better. In other words, some of us will become new creations in Christ and others, renewed creations in Christ. It depends on where we are in our spiritual walk. Either way, necessary godly transformations and renewals of our minds are paramount to staying in the will of the Lord. And staying in His good and pleasing, perfect will. It's an on-going process that should never end.

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