Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
Just in case you may be wondering, Jesus can fix, heal, repair, restore, or reclaim anything that you are in need for Him to do.
If He can do it for the blind beggar He passed by, He can surely do it for you and I. In Luke 18:41:43, Jesus asked the blind man what he wanted Jesus to do for him and the blind man said he wanted his sight recovered. And Jesus said to him, “recover your sight; your faith has made you well" and immediately he recovered his sight and the blind man followed Jesus. It was just that quick. The blind man didn't care who was around or what people were saying. He knew he needed Jesus of Nazareth.
Now, what do you think it was that made the blind man call out to Jesus? Do you think it was simply because he was tired of being blind? Are you tired of anything? Do you think he wanted to be healed, so he figured, 'hey Jesus is passing by, this is my opportunity'? Have you seized on an opportunity lately? Do you think it had anything to do with his faith, in that he knew he had to take a chance and he took it? What would you have done?
Do you know our chances for anything we want fixed, healed, repaired, restored, or reclaimed, can in fact happen if our faith is big enough? Just like the blind man, we have to go for what's ours and we can't wait around for it to come to us. Whatever you want God to do, yes by all means keep praying and never stop, but also get up and call out to Him when He's passing through. He's always with us, yet He gives us opportunities to move, because He comes at opportune times and we know when He's speaking to us to move. He gave me some really great opportunities in the last couple of years and some I missed, because I didn't act fast enough or I didn't act at all. Some of those missed opportunities are still fresh in my mind, but I'm not bitter, I am better for it, because I learned the error of my ways. I don't want that to happen to me or anybody else again. I want us all to get what God has for us. I still need a few things in my life repaired and restored and I'm not missing another opportunity. I'm not letting another blessing fall by the wayside and don't you either.

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