"I run to you, God; I run for dear life" (Psalm 31:1). Those were David's words when he was going through a rough time. Sometimes we can feel like David felt, can't we? When the chips are down and when the challenges are coming fast and furious, but still we rise. We rise when we have the Lord. We rise when we have the Father we can run to anytime, any day. Yes, we can run to our God, our Lord, our Savior no matter what.
We can run to our Lord whenever we need Him. We can run to Him when we think we got this, but when we really don't. We can run to Him any and every time we need to. He is our comfort, our safety net, our landing place, our everything. Yes we run to Him. Yes, we need Him. What would life be without Him? I hate to imagine. Where would we go? Who would we commune with? How would we function? Nobody else can take His place. He is The Rock. The strong tower. The breath of life.
I run to God and I pray all do the same. "Love God, all you saints [and others who want to draw near to Him], because God takes care of all who stay close to him (Psalm 31:23). "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord (Psalm 31:24).

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