Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
Do you know you’re in a league by yourself? It’s true, because there’s only one you and since there’s only one you, you’re the only one who can do what you do. It doesn’t matter who is doing the same thing, the fact is, nobody is you and you’re not anybody else. Did you get that? Ok, I’ll put it this way, what is for you, is for you and you only, so don't bother comparing yourself to people who seem to be further along than you, because you'll feel like you don't measure up. And remember, no one started where they are now. And don't waste a minute comparing yourself to anyone who doesn't appear to be as far along as you, because then you may get a false sense of where you are.
The best thing to do is to just focus on what you're doing and keep doing that. It's about staying in our lane and since God is a huge God, He blesses according to His mandates (purpose), for our lives. When we do what He told us to do, the way we do it, then we don’t have to feel like we’re missing out on anything. We can cheer others on and support what they're doing, not become all envious and competitive. Who has time for that? It's counterproductive to operate like that. Instead, we can applaud, compliment, and root for the next person. Then our time will come when it’s supposed to. And that’s exactly when we want it to happen. Not a second before. Remember what God told Abraham in Genesis 18:14? He said, "Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” And guess what? That's exactly what happened. Sarah had her son Isaac and she had him when it was her time to have him. It's the same for us -- what will happen for us, will happen in God’s timing. His timing has leverage and staying power and when God is in it, it’s gold. He hasn't forgotten about you.

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