Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
"So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt” (Genesis 41:41).
Where is it, you want God to take you? Do you know He will give you the desires of your heart? But...you have to be willing to put some work -- lots of work -- behind your faith, because nothing worthwhile will come easy. Oh no. We have to put some perseverance, determination, stamina, and intensity, in order to go where it is He has for us to go. And guess what? We can indeed get there. Don't think we can't. It's about staying on the word "go" and continuing on. Don't you dare give up on doing what you were born to do. There is something inside of you that God has gifted you with and God never makes a mistake. We do, but He never does, so don't think your life is an accident, because it isn't. It was a deliberate act of God who wants you do mighty things in this world. Do you believe it? Believe it.
Take Joseph for instance. In Genesis 37, his brothers sold him into slavery, because they were jealous of him, but don't you know there's nothing that can stop the move of God? There is nothing that can stop God's anointed? God had something better for Joseph and Joseph proved himself worthy of getting it. He went through alot and he stayed with God during the entire process of what he went through. Then he ended up in the Pharaoh's palace as the second man in charge of the kingdom. He was put in a position to help many others, including his brothers. Look at God. Won't He do it? So, just in case you may be thinking God won't move in your life, think again. God will do it.

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