Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
Do you know that faith with works is alive, but faith without putting some effort behind it, is dead? James 2:14-26 is proof of that. In other words, nothing will move in our lives if we don't move.
God didn't just create us to wait around for things to happen. He created us to make things happen, right? Remember, we can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength. And Philippians 4:13 is also proof of that. What I'm trying to convey here is that we can't just sit around and hope upon hope that our chances for that golden opportunity will just drop out of the sky. We may be waiting forever. Although I am far from achieving all that God has for me, I had to bust a move to get things going. I was waiting and waiting and nothing happened until I finally sat down at my laptop and started writing and the same for my podcast. Did I know exactly what I was going to write or what I would say? Nope, I just started and the momentum continues, and when that happens, it's hard to slow down.
You have what it takes to live your dreams and God wants them for you. He wants that for us all. Pushing on and not waiting for the perfect time will ensure your works pay off one way or the other. And with works, faith is alive. Keep working and stay faithful. God will come through for you.

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