Weekly podcast. Follow along with blog post.
This is part 2 of a book study I'm doing about TD Jake's book, Soar! Build Your Vision for Ground Up. This week's podcast and blog post are about moving forward with our gifts and taking control for our own success.
On page 26, Jakes says, "taking responsibility for your own success must be foundational if you are to succeed as an entrepreneur." That makes sense, doesn't it? For a long time I blamed my lack of finances for not moving on with my business goals. I wasn't consistent in really anything I did to move forward. I just sat back and waited for the right time and the right person to enter my life to "help" me and that perfect time and perfect person never came. Then one day I decided I needed to bust a move, so I started my blog, then my social media, then my podcasts. That started in 2013 and although I may not be as far as I would like, I am going forward. Every time I post a blog post and make a podcast episode, I think about how I can help the next person. I sometimes even get the face of a certain person, faces of certain people, or a specific social media audience. My stance is, how will my words help somebody who may need a lift today? How can I help people see Jesus? How can I tell somebody that what they're going through is temporary and that God has a reason for every season? To me, that's foundational -- it's what the business of In Sharon's Heart is based on -- encouraging others.
We all have that something special God created us to do. What is it for you? What gives you passion? What makes you cry? What comes to you naturally? Whatever that thing is, that's you. And you have to do, you and not wait for anybody else to come rescue you like I was doing. We cannot leave ourselves at the mercy of anyone else. We have to soar!
Jakes says (p. 26) that "our day requires untested methods, unexpected mentors, and unconventional models." It's about being open to the unknown and realizing God will open the right doors for us when we get started, but we have to get started or we will find ourselves at the mercy of people who will always be rulers over our fate. I don't know about you, but I'm so over that in my life. We were created in the likeness of a creative God and we should draw on those creative processes, Jakes says on page 27.
So, I've come to encourage you, as I encourage myself, that now is our time to go to the next level in what the Lord has for us. Jakes says, 'could be possible at this stage in your life, after all you've been through, that you have gathered enough experience from past blunders to set a new course and soar to greater heights?' (p. 28) And since Genesis 1:27 says we were made in God's image, then we can't fail if we truly know what we're made of. Lets gooooooooooooo.

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