Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
"I run to you, God; I run for dear life" (Psalm 31:1). Those were David's words, which I can identify. For, I do run to God. How about you? Do you run to Him too?
I run to my Lord when I need Him. I run to Him when I think I got this. I run to to the Lord any and I need to. He is my comfort, my safety net, my landing place, my everything. Yes I run to Him. I need Him. What would my life be without Him? I hate to imagine. Where would I go? Who would I commune with? How would I function? Nobody else can take His place. He is my rock. My strong tower. My breath.
I run to God. "Love God, all you saints [and others who want to draw near to Him]; God takes care of all who stay close to him" ( Psalm 31:23). And His love never runs out.

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