Won't God do it? Won't God take His people from "nothing" to something, in an instant? He did it all throughout the bible. There are many stories about the nothing, low, underdogs who triumphed over undeniable feats (1 Corinthians 1:27-29). Don't you just love the the spirit of the underdog? I know I do.
I love what God does with the person of little status in the world. I love it when the Lord shuts the mouths of lions (Daniel 6:21-22) like He did with Daniel when the king's men wanted to stop Daniel's anointing. I love it when the Lord protects us against the monsters and giants who try to come against us. I love it when the Lord sees to it that the underdog, the one who was looked at as the mistaken one, comes out unscathed. Yes I just love it when the Lord Jesus Christ reassures the saints that they will reach the mountain tops. God loves it when we walk the walk. God loves a great reveal. He loves to show people, through other people, who He is. Look at just a few people He used to do miraculous things to help others:
Moses (from nobody to one of the greatest leaders of all time)
Esther (from orphan to queen)
Samaritan Woman (from outcast to evangelist)
Don't you dare give up on what God has for your life. He is the reason for all seasons. He makes ways out of no ways. He is the one true God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The amazing Lord God. All the glory belongs to the Lord. You will make it with Him, no worries. He will lift you up and qualify you for anything He commissioned you to do. Trust Him.
Hear what Sha Sha has to say about how God will take us from unqualified to qualified. Sha Sha is my avatar, so her face is based on my face and the voice you hear is actually me speaking through her.

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