Because at the end of the day, we have to be able to live life abundantly, laugh out loud, and love endlessly. Those are some of the things God wants for us. He wants us to have a full life and although living life like it's golden takes work, it's obtainable. Do you believe it? Believe it, because it starts with a belief and a faith that God wants that and I'll go even further and say He expects it. Why would He expect anything less? Not only should we have inner peace, but an inner light that shines wherever we go and the people we encounter can get that light as well. When you take living, laughing, and loving seriously and when you surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you" (Life Limits) then there's a peace that comes with that. A peace that surpasses all understanding, which will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).
Hear what Sha Sha has to say about God seeing the best in you. Sha Sha is my avatar, so her face is based on my face and the voice you hear is actually me speaking through her.

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