Before my mother passed away, she would often walk for stress relief. At times I would ask her why she always walked alone and she would tell me that she'd ask her friends, but nobody wanted to walk. They would say they would on this day or that day, but they never did, so my mother just walked by herself. She wasn't going to wait for people who would never make up their minds to go. She would tell me that if she did that she'd be waiting forever. Sound familiar? How many of you have to go at it alone, because it seems hardly anyone supports what you're doing? How many of you have stopped trying to convince people to go with you because nobody steps up to the plate? It just seems you're all by yourself most of the time and it's a lonely existence, right? Well let me tell you this, I know that feeling. I used to feel the same when it came to doing certain things and sometimes I even feel the same today. The only difference is that I don't ask too much anymore, because where I'm going, they can't go anyway. And I know that full well, so it's ok that it seems like I'm the lone ranger sometimes, but I don't waste a minute thinking about it, because it's useless and it will hold me back. We can't concern ourselves with such things, because when you're on a mission, when you're on assignment, when you know your purpose, you don't wait around for anybody. You don't ask any questions, you don't tell any information, you don't care about anyone's opinion, you just simply carry on moving forward. That's it. You just go, because you have to.
So, I'm here to tell all the people who may be where my mother and I were. Just go and God will supply your every need. You don't have to worry about a lonely solitary life on your climb either. The right people will join you without you opening your mouth to invite them in and that will be the norm for you. The right people will just want to be around you. So, carry on, in all your ways acknowledge God and He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:6).
Hear what Sha Sha has to say about your walk with God as you go. Sha Sha is my
avatar, so her face is based on my face and the voice you hear is
actually me speaking through her.

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