One of my all time favorite verses is Habakkuk 2:2. I love it, because it's such a hopeful scripture. I have always been a visionary, so anything that talks about what thus says the Lord regarding the future of His great plans for His people, I love it. We need God's people to get the picture of what God is going to do. When I say the picture I'm talking about the vision God gives His people. If you will seek Him, He will give you a great glimpse into what He's going to do. He's not some elusive God who doesn't want us to have a clue. Will He give us the entire picture? No, I don't think so in the least. I don't think many of us could handle all He would do -- even the most faithful and spiritually mature couldn't. At any rate, writing down what God tells you regarding the future of your life is important, because it gives you greater focus. I don't know the mechanics of all of it. I just know it's something about the "power of the pen" that shifts us to the next gear.
I would like you
to hear what Sha Sha has to say about writing down your vision. Sha Sha is my avatar, so her face is based on my face, and the
voice you hear is actually me speaking through her. Check out what she has to say:

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