Keep going even if you're tired, because the Lord is going to bless the diligent.
Proverbs 10:4 says, "poor is he who works with a negligent hand, but the hand of the diligent makes rich." In other words, we can't expect to go to the next level and not be willing to do anything great, as well as, being consistent at it. Lately I have been writing about hard work and being blessed to be a blessing. We have to start taking our goals seriously. We have to start thinking more on how we are going to be able to reach those God has in our sphere of influence. I will say this again: we are not here by accident ok? Every last one of us has a divine purpose on this earth. We must walk in it. I promise you that there is something magnificent that only you can do even if you see others doing it. God made you unique and wonderful. Nobody else has your DNA.
To add more encouragement, I would like you
to hear what my avatar has to say about it. Her name is Sha Sha and the
voice you hear is actually me speaking through her. Sha Sha is awesome.
Check out what she has to say about pushing through your tiredness:

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