My unofficial motto these days seems to be, 'don't despise humble/small beginnings.' It seems just about everything I have been doing has started small. And guess what? That's totally ok with me. Starting slow, many times, sets a solid foundation that is necessary for getting to and maintaining the next level. So, it's all good. I'm not rushing God anymore.
Not despising humble beginnings is a message taken from the book of Zechariah 4:10. According to the Bible Project, Zechariah 'was a prophet who challenged and motivated the people of Israel to rebuild God's temple after the exile from Babylon and to look for the fulfillment of God's promises.' Zechariah didn't want the people to be worried about starting from ruin, starting in the gutter, starting from little to nothing. He didn't want them to despise those things. We shouldn't either. Don't worry about starting small. This blog is gaining steam, but let me tell you, it's started on the bottom and now it's going to be where God is sending it. I'm ok with that. I know I could get off of blogspot, but it's where I want to be for now -- it's working for me. Where are you starting from? Is it starting from a low humble place? If so, it doesn't matter, because if God sanctioned it, keep going. Your time will come. Humble beginnings are perfectly ok. God can work with that.
Hear what Sha Sha has to say about gracious and positive words. Sha Sha is my avatar, so her face is based on my face and the voice you hear is actually me speaking through her.

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