"Be hospitable to one another without complaint" (1 Peter 4:9). Wouldn't that be nice? Enjoying each other without getting on each other's nerves? I know I know, we're people and that's virtually impossible since we all fall short sometimes, right?
Well...we can at least strive to have great and long lasting relationships without getting under each other's skin, right? No man is an island and God made us to want and need each other. Who are the people He put in your life for you to connect with? Didn't Jesus want that when He walked the earth? Doesn't He still want that for us today?
I really go out of my way to have those relationships with some people. I figure if I can extend myself then perhaps more solid and valuable relationships will develop. It takes two though and even if I don't always get the same love back, at least I can say I extended myself. There was a time when I would have never done that, but that was then and this is now. I'm no longer uncomfortable to extend myself. I want to develop more loving relationships with friends. It offers more fulfillment in life and we all need that. We should all strive for it, would you agree?
John 13:34 says, "a new commandment I give to you is that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another." That's what Jesus told the disciples, which is still a solid foundation of great relationships today, because we need each other.

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