The Lord is with you. The Lord will never forsake you. He will never leave you high and dry. He wants the best for you. And no matter what we do, He forgives us, because of His love and faithfulness towards us (Psalm 136). Why would He want anything different than that when He is filled with nothing, but love? You understand?
God is love and He continuously operates in love. I'm not saying He never hates, because He does -- He hates the things we sometimes do when we sin, but He never hates us. You get it?
So continue to press in, press forward, and strive for the best that He wants for your life. It doesn't matter if things have changed. It doesn't matter if your life is not what it was before. It doesn't matter what others say or don't say about you. It doesn't matter who is with you and who is against you. Nothing matters when it comes to God wanting the best for His children. He is going to come through for you when you live a life of pressing into the great things He has for you. Don't you give up. Don't you dare stop going forward, because one of the great things about pressing in, is that you never know when God will bless that press in. He operates on His own timetable.
Continue pressing.

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