"...and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided" (Exodus 14:21).
Another miracle from God -- the parting of the Red Sea -- the opening of a blessing the Lord poured out to His people. Won't He do it? Don't you dare sleep on Him. He will only disappoint you if you do, because He makes ways out of no ways. He makes crooked places straight. He defies what man said could not be done. He did it before and He will do it again and again. He's the magnificent God who loves to show doubting people who He is. He is The Great I Am, just in case anyone has forgotten, which means He can perform any feat He wants to.
So yes, I absolutely believe in miracles, because I have seen God work many times in my lifetime. Sometimes those miracles involved me personally and sometimes they didn't. Thus, I do not, for one minute, underestimate the power of the Lord, for He is truly mighty. He can do anything, anywhere at anytime.
So yes, I absolutely believe in miracles, because I have seen God work many times in my lifetime. Sometimes those miracles involved me personally and sometimes they didn't. Thus, I do not, for one minute, underestimate the power of the Lord, for He is truly mighty. He can do anything, anywhere at anytime.

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