"Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered" (Proverbs 11:13).
What another loaded verse in the wise book of Proverbs, a book of wisdom. Chapter 11:13 talks about the person who remains silent by keeping secrets and the babbling gossiper. For some, there's something exciting and addictive about telling another person's business. It's something that gives them some type of high, an adrenaline rush if you will. Such people are found out pretty fast though, because you know when you tell certain people things and you hear them again. We have to be careful of such people, because they can really cause division, twisting and turning the truth. Haven't we all been burned by those people who didn't keep our personal business personal? Once that happens we are very careful the next time, right?
Anyway, we may encounter people who can't be trusted, but that shouldn't stop us from living our life like it's golden. We just have to focus on those who God has positioned around us to encourage us, and who display integrity and trustworthiness. We need to thank God for putting those people in our lives.
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