I write a lot about keeping the right people close and not being bothered with the things that are distractors, because I've been through all of that.
Many of us have, haven't we? Yet we have to appreciate what we do have. We have to value the people, places, and things we do have. And even though we mess up and fall short sometimes, we still have those people in our lives who still love us and who we love, in spite of it all.
Nothing and no one is perfect, but God. In fact just yesterday I wasn't as thankful as I should have been regarding a blessing the Lord gave me. I had forgotten in a moment about being thankful for a certain thing, because it didn't look the way I thought it should look. Then I quickly thought again and realized it was a huge blessing. I repented (asked for forgiveness to God). My point? "Whoever can be trusted [thankful, my word] with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much (Luke 16:10).
Those people, places, and things God places in our lives, are blessings and we have to do right by them and them by us. That takes hard work and a thankful spirit. I just want to be blessed to be a blessing. That's always available to all of us even when we fall short, because we will.
And we can still do great things.
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