16 "Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil" (Proverbs 15:16).
"The fear of the LORD is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor" (Proverbs 15:33).
When fear, healthy fear, respectful fear, no-need-to-fear fear, makes perfect sense. And I can stop right there really but I won't. Just know that there's nothing wrong with wealth, yet knowing God controls that wealth is what leads to a healthier relationship with Him in our lives. And seeking His wisdom and humility is just as important.
It's about reverencing God for who He is. It's about knowing Him as the ruler and guider of our lives. You can usually tell the ones who know who He is, because their walk and talk are obvious. They operate in a faith, praise, and worship for Him continuously. You may not be aware of all of that, but you'll know it by the fruit they produce, the resolute attitude they have during struggles, and the peace they maintain during a crisis or a whirlwind. All because of who God is to them. All because of the power of God in their lives. All because of their "fear" (instruction, wisdom, humility) of the Lord, which all leads to a better way to live.
That is when fear makes perfect sense.
"The fear of the LORD is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor" (Proverbs 15:33).
When fear, healthy fear, respectful fear, no-need-to-fear fear, makes perfect sense. And I can stop right there really but I won't. Just know that there's nothing wrong with wealth, yet knowing God controls that wealth is what leads to a healthier relationship with Him in our lives. And seeking His wisdom and humility is just as important.
It's about reverencing God for who He is. It's about knowing Him as the ruler and guider of our lives. You can usually tell the ones who know who He is, because their walk and talk are obvious. They operate in a faith, praise, and worship for Him continuously. You may not be aware of all of that, but you'll know it by the fruit they produce, the resolute attitude they have during struggles, and the peace they maintain during a crisis or a whirlwind. All because of who God is to them. All because of the power of God in their lives. All because of their "fear" (instruction, wisdom, humility) of the Lord, which all leads to a better way to live.
That is when fear makes perfect sense.

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