Oftentimes we have to take a good hard look...
in the mirror.
And decide what it is we see. We need to do that, because we have to face ourselves. It doesn't matter what we've been through, we can face anything when God is with us. We can't be afraid or ashamed of what is looking back at us. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, God has not given us a spirit of fear. He has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-control. That means we should feel great about who we are and be even more confident that we will become even better tomorrow.
Your life matters to God and there are many people who need to hear from you. You have a story that will bless people, because you lived through it. Don't think for one minute that what you went through was for nothing. None of it was for nothing. It was for everything -- everything you're going to do for people through your life. Years ago my "midnight sadness" (or what could be called depression I think) was not only for me to have something to reference to help myself, it was for me to reach people to let them know they can get through tough times. The pain I felt after I lost my twins was not only for me to refer to and learn from, it was for me to tell people they can get through painful experiences. The other trauma I've had in my life (in my twenties) and other life challenges were also for me to look myself in the mirror and say, "I am worthy; I deserve the very best of what the Lord has for me; I will not put up with nonsense; I will get through anything, and I will fight to the bitter end to serve the greatest person who ever walked the earth, Jesus Christ. Thus, I am better, faster, and stronger, because of and in spite of it all."
All of that means I am not afraid of the mirror and don't you be either. Tell yourself the same thing when you look at yourself, because there is nothing to fear and nothing to be ashamed about. Reread 2 Timothy 1:7 if you need to.
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