Friends, how many of us have them?
Friends, ones we can depend on.
Friends, before we go any further,
lets be friends.
Those are some of the lyrics from a 1980's song by Whodini. It had a catchy beat too, which made it easier to resonate with people. I still like that song. It had a great message about friendship.
I thought it fitting to write about friendship today, because 1-my next eBook will be on the subject (it's been on my mind) and 2-Some of us take friendship lightly. We oftentimes take the people who are always there for us, for granted. True friendship is hard to find. Some people are so flaky. They're here today and gone tomorrow, especially if we say or do one little thing wrong. Who has time for that? That's not real friendship, because it's based on conditions. Don't settle for that type of friendship just to say you have a friend. God has much better than that for us.
Look, if you have even one person in your life who is always there for you and loves you unconditionally, thank the Lord for such a person. And if you're a friend who's always there for that friend and loves that person unconditionally, that's awesome. Some people don't have what you have, they don't have a 2-way relationship like that. Cherish it.
I love the friendship David and Jonathan had (1 Samuel 18:1-5). They really loved, respected, and looked out for each other. I pray we can all find true friendship like that.

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