You'll make it for real. |
You heard that phrase before, right?
Some people like it, some people don't.
I like it.
Some people like the saying, because they see it as forcing yourself to do the things you may not want to do or can't do, until you either want to do them or you can do them. Some people don't like the saying, because they think it comes from a faithless place and saying such a thing is not a good thing.
For me it works, so I believe it and I'm sticking with the things that work. There was a time in my life when I had nothing, but the clothes on my back. I had moved from California to South Carolina and I left everything in storage including my car. I lived at a friend's house and I hated everything about my move. It was a culture shock. Yet this is what I knew. I had to get up each morning with a smile on my face and I had to have the confidence to push through each day. That attitude worked and I was able to get on my feet relatively fast with the help of some friends I met (today I still have a great relationship with several of them).
My point is that I faked it big time and I made it "big time" -- a correlating effect.
All of us have to push through in certain areas. And since I know all things are possible for those who believe, then yes, I will continue to have faith that my God will carry me through. And while He's at it I'm going to "fake" doing whatever that thing is I need the strength to do until God helps me make it a habit, a skill, an ability, a talent, whatever.
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