There are so many things I like about God. So many. One of those things is when I want to know what to do, all I have to do is pray and ask Him to reveal the "secret" things about any given situation. Yes, I just have a conversation with the Lord. I communicate what's in my heart, what I'm thinking, or what I'm going through.
He always answers.

All of us have that ability. In other words, we have been given the power to tap into
the Source, the great I Am, the mighty among all mighty, in order to get clarity about situations. Remember Daniel? He was a wisemen, a prophet in the bible. Daniel didn't back down to fear. He used prayer and wisdom to get to the answers that would help him get things done. And
God revealed information to Daniel when King Nebuchadnezzar was about to take the wisemen out.
God reveals information the same way with me and you.
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